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Holidays CollageWell it’s official, the holidays are upon us! I love this time of the year! It’s probably the child that’s still in me, but something about the spirit of the season really makes me happy.  This feeling of goodwill stays with me from Thanksgiving to New Years day, and I look forward to it all year. 🙂

Right now I’m sitting and planning my Thanksgiving menu, Christmas music playing in the background.  Some of the best music ever written, is Christmas music! It’s always so uplifting and happy.  Today’s world can use as much happy as possible, particularly since we are inundated with one bad news story after another.

I look forward to slowing down and spending time with my family.  Holiday gatherings are some of my most treasured memories.  I really hope that I can make sure my son experiences the warmth and love of the season, just like I did when I was a kid.  Most importantly, I hope I can eventually teach him the true meaning of why we celebrate. The message of hope and joy that the Christ child brought to this cold desolate world, when he was born in a humble manger.

God Bless you, and may you feel the spirit of the season!
